Remote Learning – Feckenham CE School

In the event of a whole school closure, the school will set work on the remote learning platform Seesaw for pupils. Each day there will be a Maths, English and Topic activity, plus weekly extra activities like phonics practise and PE.

Children will be directed to websites such as White Rose Maths or Read Write Inc for phonics sessions. Daily reading for at least ten minutes will also be expected.

Teachers will upload work the night before or by 9am. Work will not be required to be printed but children may need paper to write or record answers on. Completed work can be uploaded to Seesaw using photos or file upload and teachers will be able to provide feedback during normal school hours.

If there is a forced school closure for a prolonged period of time, face to face meetings with teachers may take place through Zoom or Teams weekly for support.

If your child has to self-isolate and is not poorly, the school will provide work for your child to complete using Seesaw. Due to teachers being in class teaching, work will be set at the earliest opportunity, and likewise, feedback on completed work will be given when it is possible. The above will apply, there will be a Maths, English and Topic activity set. Daily reading of at least ten minutes will be expected.

If there is little or no engagement with learning during a closure, parents will be contacted via phone or email to see how we can best remotely support your child. We are very aware of the difficulties a working family can face with home learning so we will work with you to help keep your child moving forward in their education.