
Please find below an introduction to the Governing Body of Feckenham CE Primary School.

The Governing body has responsibility for determining, monitoring and keeping under review all policies, plans and procedures that the school operates. It is accountable for the use of public funds and to conduct the school to the highest standards of educational achievement for all pupils. It holds the school to account for the education standards it achieves as well as the quality of the education it provides.

They provide a strategic view of where the school is heading, and act as a critical friend by offering support and advice to the school, its head and staff.

The Governing Body comprises 13 members:
Staff – appointed by the Staff
Foundation – appointed by the local Church Diocese
LA – appointed by the Local Authority
Parents – appointed by Parents
Co-opted – appointed by the Governing Body

All Governors are volunteers who give up their time freely and are equal. The term of office is usually 4 years. The Chair and Vice Chair are appointed each year by vote at the start of the autumn term. All Governors hold enhanced DBS checks, are trained in safer recruitment in education, safeguarding children and receive regular training to cover all aspects of governance.

They meet as a full governing body twice every term. These meetings are to establish, monitor and evaluate clear and strategic plans throughout the year to enable school to provide and achieve the highest standards of education for all pupils. Governors visit school on a regular basis and can be involved in lesson observations, book trawls and classroom activities to understand teaching methods and to check pupil progress.

The Governors aim to develop effective working relationships with the Headteacher, all staff, the Local Authority, the local community and parents.

Further regular meetings are also attended with the Local Authority, Governor Services and Association Networks to build, share knowledge & best practice.

If you would like any further information about the Governing Body or are interested in becoming a governor please email N McElvaney, Clerk to the Governors at [email protected]

NameRoleDeclaration of InterestStart Date
J GrieveChair of Governors Nil01.09.20
K DavisCo-opted GovernorNil24.06.21
B ScottParent GovernorNil22.02.21
J LittleHeadteacherNil01.09.20
D SimpsonCo-opted GovernorNil21.09.23
N McElvaneyClerk to Governors04.05.23
F CarterFoundation - Ex OfficioNil01.06.21
VacancyFoundation - PCC
VacancyParent Governor

Feckenham Governor Attendance 2022-2023

Shires MAT Governance and Trustee Information

Shires MAT Delegation Scheme

Shires Terms of Reference