Mrs Howarth teaches our Kingfisher class and is supported by Mrs Rutter and Mrs Oliver.
In Kingfishers, the children build on what they learnt in previous year groups and begin to independently apply their knowledge and skills as part of a two-year rolling programme. They are immersed in a broad curriculum, designed to revisit and connect ideas, in order to broaden knowledge, attached to previous learning and deepen understanding across the National Curriculum.
The Kingfisher pupils have lots of exciting new challenges and opportunities to attach learning to meaningful, memorable experiences.
The Kingfisher class continue to have Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling sessions regularly to help children become better writers and to help develop an enjoyment or love of reading.
Reading remains incredibly important throughout the Kingfisher class and children are expected to read regularly at home by this year. Additional support is on offer for those who might benefit from improving confidence and sharing whole-class texts to read together lends itself strongly to children having the opportunity to explore themes and authors’ intentions of increasingly complex texts.
The children in Kingfisher class are encouraged to explore many forms of art and design, using and honing a range of techniques and skills to develop their artistic and creative side. They have previously benefitted from visits to high school art departments to experience more specialist equipment to embed their learning of great artists in their topics.
The four core school values continue to be taught through PSHE and RE and we remember and utilise these in all that we do on a daily basis. Our core values are Wisdom, Community, Hope and Dignity. We have strong links to the local Church – St John the Baptist and we enjoy visiting for our end of term assemblies and celebrations throughout the year.
Children have weekly PE sessions, one inside gym or dance based lesson and one outside games skills based session. There is a Games specialist who teaches Games to Kingfishers on a Thursday afternoon. Children begin to have opportunities to compete in local school tournaments over the year. We have begun an exciting new journey into orienteering and children can access maps and courses as part of their curriculum sessions.
IPads and laptops are available to children to access to support their learning in all subjects. E-safety is crucial and revised weekly and computing skills are taught in a discreet lesson and reminded regularly.
Children enjoy weekly music sessions and have opportunities to learn to play instruments (in class and through peripatetic lessons) in Key Stage 2. There are many inter-school music-based events and competitions, which allow the children to enjoy experiencing performing and watching collaborations amongst their peers.
All children go across to Forest School for two sessions each half term to enjoy developing skills and independence and extend their classroom learning. Tools and equipment are available to be used safely to build dens and construct bird boxes. Children become responsible for growing plants and vegetables. Campfires are often held, and hot chocolate can be enjoyed around them. Children also cook a wide range of foods over the campfires or in our cob oven.
Our Kingfisher class is an exciting place and builds on skills and concepts taught in previous years, alongside lots of new learning.